Sunday, December 18, 2016

Assignment #9 TED Talk

Assignment #9 TED Talk

A 12-year-old app developer


1. fascination (n.) a very strong attraction, that makes something very interesting

EX.London has a fascination all of its own.

2. multiple (adj.) many in number; involving many different people or things

EX.We use the hall for multiple purposes. 

3. sponsor (n.) a person or company that pays for a radio or television programme, or for a concert or sporting event, usually in return for advertising

EX.The first episode of the new programme attracted the number of viewers that the sponsors had been guaranteed.

4. district (n.) an area of a country or town, especially one that has particular features

EX.The city has several shopping districts

5. feedback (n.) advice, criticism or information about how good or useful something or somebody’s work is

EX.We need both positive and negative feedback from our customers.

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